Church History

Goshen Road Baptist Chapel was organized in April 1988 by dedicated Christians under the leadership of Reverend Francis W. Hodges (Brother Frankie),  as a Southern Baptist Church, which operates in cooperation with the Georgia Baptist and Southern Baptist Conventions. On April 17, 1988, the Chapel’s first service was held and continued for approximately five years in the Community House of Jimmy Hodges Mobile Home Park in the Hodgeville community of Effingham County. Brother Frankie baptized Christians in the waters of the lake near the community house. It was the desire of the congregation of Goshen Road Baptist Chapel from the onset of organization to secure property and start a building program for a new church. Through generous “Love Offerings” from individuals and other financial aid from the Baptist Convention, the building program got underway. Nine acres of property was purchased at 1323 Goshen Road. The Home Mission Board (now known as the North American Mission Board) arranged for a team of volunteers from Ferguson Baptist Church of St. Louis, Missouri, to come and construct the building. This volunteer team consisted of thirty-eight dedicated Christian men and women and in five and one-half days, the building was raised from the foundation to consist of all framing, top, siding, and interior partitions. After the “raising phase’, the members of Goshen Road Baptist Chapel and some volunteers from Rincon First Baptist Church finished the interior of the Church. February 28, 1993, the first service was held in the new Church Sanctuary. April 18, 1993, a dedication service was held to dedicate Goshen Road Baptist Church and ourselves to Almighty God for the ongoing of His Mighty Kingdom here on this earth…. through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. With the help of Rincon First Baptist Church playing a key role as a sponsor, Goshen Road Baptist continued its' mission of spreading God's word. April 21, 1996, the church was constituted into an independent Southern Baptist Church. As time went on and membership grew, there became a need for a larger sanctuary and more classrooms. A New Building Committee was formed in March 2007 and after all the details of the new building were worked out, a groundbreaking ceremony took place August 31, 2008. There were several phases of construction to complete the new building, and Brother Frankie Hodges, the Project Manager, put all his heart and a lot of his time into making sure the details were completed. Towards the end of the project, there were many people, members, and non-members alike, who donated many hours of hard work and "Love Offerings" to complete the building. On November 29, 2009, the first service was held in the new building. On August 15, 2010, the New Building Committee presented Goshen Road Baptist Church the new building and a dedication service was held to again dedicate Goshen Road Baptist Church and ourselves to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. On April 19, 2011, Goshen Road Baptist Church Pastor of 23 years, Reverend Frankie Hodges lost his life in a tragic motorcycle accident. The Viewing and Funeral was held at Goshen Road Baptist Church and though it was a sad occasion for those of us who would miss him, it was also a joyous occasion for everyone who knew Brother Frankie was indeed, "Promoted to Heaven". With more than 300 seats filled in the sanctuary, standing room only in the aisles, the hallways packed, and a line of people extending out of the building and well into the parking lot, people came from miles around to pay their last respects. Brother Frankie's funeral procession was escorted by approximately 75 members of the Sons of Liberty, a motorcycle organization in which Brother Frankie was their Honorary Chaplin. With the thundering sound of their motorcycles and their American flags waiving, it was a sight to see. July 3, 2011, Brother Cory Moore was voted by the church to be "Interim Pastor", and on March 18, 2012, he was called as full time pastor. He is currently serving the Lord and Goshen Road Baptist Church in that position.


Matthew 16:17-19  New King James Version (NKJV)

17 Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed[a] in heaven.”